February 1985
HASTINGS (Cnr Lyndon Rd and Karamu Rd), 10.30, 7. Vacant.
Looking forward to February when Rev. Peter and Gwyneth Pritchard will commence their ministry with us. Rejoiced with Tony and Yvette Whitton and Allan McMinn-Collard were baptised. Mrs Ruby Palmer and Mrs Jocelyn McClunie - home from hospital, also Dorothy Beaven. Miss Kath Tate still in hospital. Doug Rogers is to pastor a union church in Otautau. Marshall Cowan is doing a Y.W.A.M. Discipleship Training Course.
March 1985
HASTINGS (Cnr Lyndon Rd and Karamu Rd) Rev. Peter Pritchard, 10.30, 7.
Our church was represented at the re-opening of the Dannevirke church on February 3. Keith Fear, Connie Crabbe and Kim Stewart are progressing well after illness and accident. Tribute paid to ex-missionary member Kath Tate who died recently. The Over 40's group began the year with a Farm Visit to which everyone was invited on Waitangi Day. Preparations are well in hand for the church 75th Jubilee at Queen's Birthday Weekend.
April 1985
HASTINGS (Cnr Lyndon Rd and Karamu Rd), Rev. Peter Pritchard, 10.30, 7.
Church shared a Pot Luck Tea prior to Induction Service for Rev. Peter Pritchard, Gwyneth and family. Bobby and Ruth Teina spoke to church before leaving for Hong Kong in April. Rev. Margaret Motion spoke to combined meeting at Zach's Place "over 4O's" enjoyed a weekend together at Rotorua. Men of Napier and Hastings Churches joined for dinner at which Ian Grant spoke. Welcome to Rev. Russell Grave who has come to live in Eversley. Mrs Ruby Palmer is in Napier Hospital - Mr Cec Lawton in Hastings Hospital.
May 1985
HASTINGS (Cnr Lyndon Rd and Karamu Rd), Rev. Peter Pritchard, 10.30, 7.
Harvest Festival proved a spiritual, financial and-social success golden offering towards Missionary Funds. Farewells to Jim and Ella Brock returning to Scotland. Also to John and Diane Black who are going to live in Alexandra. A Marriage Enrichment Seminar proved a blessing to participants. Our Youth Group took part in 40 Hour Famine - Easter Camp it Maraekakaho and plan a "late night bake night" to aid National BYMC. Church was saddened by the sudden death of Rev J. Russell Grave - a former minister of Hastings Church.
June 1985
HASTINGS (Cnr Lyndon Rd and Karamu Rd), Rev. Peter Pritchard, 10.30, 7.
We rejoice with Sylvia Bartlett, Grant and Lesley Frederickson, Heather Mar· tin, Denise Amy, Matthew and Dianne Charlton who were baptised. Welcome into Church Membership Eileen Charters, Sylvia Barlett, Nola Beck, Louise Sampson, Meryle Le Cheminant and Grant and Lesley Frederickson. Phil and Loti Hensman brought their son Joel in dedication. Ladies had a retreat for a nay at Maraekakaho on 20th April. Men's Breakfast was held at Zach's for Witness and Prayer on 27th April. Congratulations to Helen Pritchard on graduating as an Occupational Therapist. To Bill Kemp appointed Commander of the Order of St John. To Graeme Fowler, Top apprentice mechanic - 3rd year - H.B. Community College. Hospitality Sunday saw 290 people sharing lunch in 22 Church Homes. Dave Youngson, Jnr is going to Auckland in full-time work for Y.F.C. Condolences to Mrs Crabbe, Page family, Smeaton and Hayward families in their loss.
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Lionel and Diana Nunns, Amon, Astrid and Liesl.
Lionel is from the Hastings church where he was the youth pastor. This is his second year in college, and it started rather quietly while he recovered from a throat operation. Lionel is concerned for churches to be places of warmth and acceptance in a society which is increasingly competitive and materialistic. He is also concerned about the effect his preaching has on his family - the children go to sleep and Diana often walks out, saying something about having to take the baby out ...
July 1985
HASTINGS (Cnr Lyndon Rd and Karamu Rd), Rev. Peter Pritchard, 10.30, 7.
Youth Pastor Will Westrupp and family attended the Youth Pastor's Course at Wainuiomata. Congratulations to Michael Martin who has been invested with the Queen's Badge through Boys' Brigade. We welcome into membership Paul and Helen Macpherson and share with Gordon and Mares Griffiths as they brought Stephen in dedication. Anne Ledingham has returned from Australia where she attended Alison's marriage to Greg Douglass. At Queen's our Young Folk were as they attended Youth for Christ Convention in Wellington and our Older Folk celebrated our Churches 75th Jubilee. God's blessing on Marshall Cowan as he continues training in Auckland with YWAM and on his engagement to Carol Addley of Wellington.
September 1985
HASTINGS Rev Peter Pritchard, 10.30, 7.
Treasurer Derek Burns was elected President of Hastings Rotary Club Janet Baumgren and Sharyn Gibson are now accredited Family Life tutors for Marriage Guidance. Heather Hunt has left for language study before becoming manager of the BMMF guest house in Kathmandu. Mavis Mardon was a delegate to the Women's Union of South West Pacific. The first service for the Havelock North Fellowship is on 15th September. New members are Mrs Bertha Barker (New Plymouth), Mr Ross Barker (Avon head), Mr Don Marshall (Te Awamutu) Graham and Glenda Wood (Rimutaka), Graham and Glenda Wood and Diane and Matthew Charlton. Julie Homer of Flaxmere was baptised.
October 1985
HASTINGS (Cnr Lyndon Rd and Karamu Rd), Rev. Peter Pritchard, 10.30, 7.
Mere Pou who worked with our Maori Brethren for many years was a special guest recently as was Neville Williamson an Industrial Chaplain. Saddened by the death of Miss Gladys Taylor and also of Mr Fred Taylor - a faithful member for 53 years. Recently we farewelled and asked God's Blessing on those who will form the new Baptist Fellowship at Havelock North. Pleased to welcome into membership. Alex and Jenny Robertson our Youth Pastor. Will Westrupp and Barry Hodgetts were our representatives at "Move Out '85."
November 1985
HASTINGS (Cnr Lyndon Rd and Karamu Rd), Rev. Peter Pritchard, 10.30, 7.
We lovingly welcome home Ruth McKenzie from Ludhiana where she has been working as a physiotherapist with BMMF. Our Pastor and five members attended a Planting New Churches Conference at Finlay Park. We surround Delcie Paynter and her family with our love and sympathy on the death of her husband Howard who was a much respected and faithful member of the Hastings Church for 50 years. We are pleased to welcome Vicky Nicholl into membership.
December 1985
HASTINGS (Cnr Lyndon Rd and Karamu Rd), Rev. Peter Pritchard, 10.30, 7.
Napier and Hastings Churches, and Taradale, Flaxmere and Havelock North Fellowships had tea together and shared evening worship with John Garwood as our special guest. Thanks are expressed to Mr Neil Donaldson who has been our Church Secretary for the past 8 years. Mr Ian Taylor will now hold that position. Welcome Bob Cowan and Graeme Fear to the Deacons Court. Our sympathy is extended to Doreen and Lewis Stewart on the loss of their youngest son, Kim and to Joy Williams on the passing of her father.
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Joan Coutts pins president's broach on Mavis Mardon