Who We Are
Where Have We Come From

April 1981

College Entrants

... DOUGLAS ROGERS has over the past four years been a member of the Hastings Church where he taught Sunday School. While he originally trained as a barrister in London he has for the past two years been a social worker with the Department of Social Welfare. He is a single man and has been assigned this year-to the Papatoetoe Church.

... MARK HENSMAN is from the Hastings Church where he was a deacon and led the Intermediate section of the Sunday School. He was a secondary school teacher and is now studying for the ministry. This year he is assigned to the Blockhouse Bay Church. With his wife Wendy and two children, Joshua and Luke, he lives at the College.

Front row, left to right: Nelman Jeans, Roger Brown, Eric King, Douglas Rogers.
Second row, left to right: Russell Jensen, Stephen Dewdney, Mark Hensman.

HASTINGS (Rev. Graeme Henshaw)

As well as the usual break-up functions at the end of 1980 we had a luncheon and farewell to Rev. and Mrs. K. McCormack. The holiday period was busy with our senior young people home for their long vacation - some of their time was spent working on alterations to the Youth Hall. Some of our church folk helped staff the Christian 'drop-in' centre at the International Scout Jamboree held in Hastings, while others were able to provide hospitality for visiting boys, in their homes. The New Year has seen Mr. Jonathan Hensman established as S.S. Superintendant in place of Mr. Ernest Burns who was Superintendant for many years, and has now left the district. We farewelled Douglas Rogers, and Mark and Wendy Hensman - Douglas and Mark begin training at Baptist College this year. Blanche Hayward was baptised in the river on a recent Sunday - the service followed a picnic lunch. The Young People spent a rather wet weekend on a biking/camping trip, and there was a small delegation at 'Pebblebrook 2' near Tauranga. Two new Home Groups have been added to those already functioning - both cater to young people.


June 1981

HASTINGS (Rev. Graeme Henshaw)

During the months that our fellowship has been without a leader for the pastoral team, our deacons have filled the gap more than adequately, but we now rejoice in the appointment of Rev. Robin Golding to the vacant position and look forward to the arrival of the Golding family in the near future. The deacons recently held an all-day retreat where they were able to review the church's life and programme, and their part in it. We have farewelled the Sweatman family to Taupo, and the Beets family to assist Christian groups there. B.Y.M. is busy, as usual, with a varied programme ranging from the forty hour famine, and a weird night, to Easter camp, with Napier B.Y.M. at Opoutama, and Bible study groups. Not to be outdone, the 'olds' have begun some social activities too, with a barbecue, and a dine-out evening. Ladies' Friendly Hour continues to provide afternoon fellowship for all those free to enjoy it. B. W.M.U. Witness Week was marked by a special evening service with Rev. Rob Thomson the guest speaker. A S.S. fund-raising night provided a delicious buffet meal for families, followed by a fancy dress parade and concert.


August 1981

HASTINGS (Rev. Graeme Henshaw)

Our youth director, Lionel Nunns, was able to attend a youth pastors' course sponsored by B.Y.M. at the end of April, and Graeme and Sally Henshaw went to a conference in radical discipleship, in Melbourne where there were speakers from Britain and U.S.A. as well as Australia. Graeme, Sally and Lionel were all helped and encouraged by meeting with others working in similar fields to their own. We welcomed Sally and Graeme back over a pot-luck dinner after which they reported some of the highlights of their trip. Training sessions have been held for S.S. teachers, and seminars on Christian Faith and Counselling preceded the Lay Renewal Weekend held at the end of June. It has been good to share some activities with the Napier Church - B.W.M.U. Day of Prayer was held this year at Napier; and since their combined Easter camp, the two groups of young people have combined in some of their activities. At the quarterly members meeting it was decided to replace the mini-bus with a larger vehicle; the manse is to be redecorated in preparation for the arrival of the Golding family; evening services for the winter months will be held at 4.30.


October 1981

HASTINGS (Rev R Golding & Rev G Henshaw)

A team from the Napier and New Plymouth churches led a Lay Renewal weekend for us. Their support in this successful venture was much appreciated. Since then we have seen 4 people baptised. Mr Jim Thorp gave many years of faithful service to his Lord in this church. It has been good to have Roger, and Mark and Wendy home from Baptist College for a short break. The manse has a new look, thanks to a number of volunteers, and is ready for its new family. Also sporting a new look are the wearers of attractive sweat shirts printed with a Hastings Baptist logo. Central Districts B.W.M.U. annual meeting was held in Hastings, with Mrs Win Thomson (Papua New Guinea) and Mrs Sally Henshaw as speakers.


December 1981

HASTINGS (Rev R Golding & Rev G Henshaw)

Highlight of our recent activities was the Church Family Camp held at "Riverbend", a delightful spot on the outskirts of Hastings. Varied activities, both spiritual and social, brought the church folk closer together, and introduced our new pastor and his family. A bus has been purchased for church use. After some painting has been completed, it will be in service. A group under the guidance of our Youth Director, Lionel Nunns, who are calling themselves the "Mid-Set", are planning some activities together. These young people have felt rather neglected as they are neither teenagers nor young marrieds. Thirty-five attended the inaugural meeting, confirming that there is a need in this age group. In Flaxmere, a supervisor has been engaged for the work scheme for unemployed 'teens'; Mr and Mrs Growden have added the role of caretaker to their already considerable involvement with the Flaxmere outreach; in December a family and Christian cinema begins regular programmes.

N.Z. Baptist Magazine

Since the first days of the church, Hastings Baptist submitted regular summaries of church life and events to the New Zealand Baptist Magazine.  As part of the centenary archive those updates have been collected and reproduced here.  It is a catalogue of people and moments that have shaped the church’s story.