Who We Are
Where Have We Come From

January 1963

HASTINGS (Rev. D. C. Rogers).—Another year of fellowship and worship draws to a close. During this time we have welcomed friends on transfer, also those who have accepted God's call to put their lives in His hands. Many loved Christian friends received the "Home-call," and many have known sickness and hospitalisation. For the return to health of these friends, we give thanks. Mrs H. Paynter still values prayer for complete recovery, and many of our older members are confined to home in failing health. Back in hospital is Mrs Ted. Petherick. Our newly formed choir now worship with us under the baton of Mr Irwin Read. Our young people conducted a worship service for those in hospital recently. Visitors occupying our pulpit in recent weeks are Mr Yelverton, Napier, Mr G. Spurdle (Methodist), and Messrs Fear and Hill of our own Church. Mr P. Stanton gave an illustrated talk on his recent trip "Through the Holy Land," at a midweek meeting.—D. M.


March 1963

HASTINGS (Rev. D. C. Rogers).—Our Sunday School and church have now commenced, and look forward to a vigorous Christian witness in the year ahead. We register our gratitude to all those who have worked actively in all departments in past years and are now resting, and at the same time welcome those who have taken up the reins in the Lord's work, may they know, and feel, our supporting prayer. A big thank you to the Revs. Fear, McNair and Taylor and Messrs. Hoskins, Baker and Stewart for pulpit stewardship during Mr Roger's absence on holiday. For Mrs Paynter, Mrs A. Land and Mr Mountford, who are or have been, in hospital, we wish good recovery. To Bill and Annette Bell and Mrs Dawson, congratulations and welcome to new babes, and our Christian sympathy to those of our fellowship who have lost loved ones. Congratulations to all who have passed examinations.—D. M.


April 1963

HASTINGS (Rev. D. Rogers).—Our minister occupied the pulpit, when, for the second time we united in prayer and worship with members and ministers of other local churches on Sunday, March 3. The service was at the Municipal Theatre which was full from stall to gallery in loving witness to God's power in our lives. And also in preparation for our "Religion and Life" week during April 21 to 28, when all churches under the leadership of Bishop Holme-Moir. Nelson, will unite to take Christ to the people. Our loss has become Masterton's gain. Mr and Mrs Selwyn Baker and family have left us on transfer, we shall miss them for themselves, and for their loving and generous service in our church life. To Mrs Lascelles, go wishes for a full and speedy recovery, and we pray God's grace and support to her and her loved ones at this time. Three welcomes to small ones, a son to the Lewis Stuarts, a daughter to the Paul Holmans, and a first granddaughter to Mr and Mrs Hawkes. We recently welcomed Mr G. Roberts of the World Wide Evangelisation Crusade, whose own particular field is in Japan. Congratulations to Graham Wallace and his bride, recently married in Napier. May God be their guide and inspiration in the years ahead.—D. M. M.


May 1963

HASTINGS (Rev. D. C. Rogers).—By the time this is read our combined N.C.C. "Religion and Life" week will be over, and we pray we shall be able to say, "Great was the Harvest". As this letter is written our fellowship is alive with prayer and activity and we pray for God's grace and blessing on all those who have given unstintingly of themselves. That they may become "Fishers of Men". Harvest Thanksgiving time has once again been witnessed too, and our church was a living testimony to God's wonder and Goodness—all produce was auctioned the following evening in an hour of happy fellowship and eager purchasing. To Mrs Lascelles, Miss Leipst, Mrs Schofield, Mrs Stewart, senior, Mr Sexton and Mrs Horace Paynter we ask God's healing touch. To Mrs ..., our sympathy in the passing of a loved brother. Recent visitors to our church were Mr Noel Gaze, and Miss Sybil Muir of the Borneo Evangelical Mission, may we benefit spiritually from the witness of Christian folk who gladly give of their all to God. Welcomed into our fellowship Mr and Mrs Mitcherson and family, from England. To those men re-elected to our diaconate, and two new deacons, Mr P. Stanton and Mr Kenning, we wish God's grace and guiding. To Miss Glenys Hoskins and Miss Joyce Redman as they journey to England, the former on a working holiday and to further her music studies, the latter to pay a visit to her parents, we say bon voyage and God's travelling mercies.—D. M. M.


June 1963

HASTINGS (Rev. D. C. Rogers).—"Religion and Life Week" is now in the past, but in our hearts live the inspiring words and challenge of the missioner. We remember the fellowship shared with Christian friends of other denominations, the great youth rally, where Barry McGee witnessed publicly to God's greatness, the challenges given in factory, shops, and youth clubs, the sound of 3,000 voices raised to praise God in song, and the spiritual food with which we go forward into 1963. Our young folk travelled to Gisborne at Easter weekend and our minister was speaker at Finlay Park. We remember in prayer, Miss Kath Tate in Damascus, and sick friends of our church fellowship: Mr Rawlings, senior, Mrs Paynter, Mr Talbot, Mr Colin Turner, Mr Thetford and Mr and Mrs Higgs. Our sympathy goes to Mrs Forster and Mrs Martin in the loss of a sister. Dedicated recently in morning church was baby Kim Stewart and we rejoice with Bert and Nelly Kater on the birth of a daughter. Miss Leipst is now well enough to worship regularly.—D. M.


July 1963

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One of the many factory groups that attended meetings during the Hastings combined Churches mission. Bishop F. G. Hulme-Moir of Nelson invited Noel Gibson of the O.A.C. to assist in some of these meetings. 20,000 people were reached during the mission held in April.


HASTINGS (Rev. D. Rogers).—We are much in prayer to many who are, or have been in hospital. Messrs Hoskins Rawlings, senior, Thetford. Edge, Adrian and Healy. Also Mesdames Jim Anderson, Paynter, Wright, Beatty, Stephenson, Padman and Youngsen. For Mr Percy Lascelles, who has undergone a major operation, also Mrs Ralph Barley seriously ill, we offer our Christian prayers. Mrs Mountford and Mr Talbot have gone to "be with the Lord." A welcome visitor recently was Miss J. Bowman (Sydney), formerly of Havelock North who also witnessed in song. Our Boys' Brigade took part in the recent relay to the Governor-General. Ladies' Friendly Hour May meeting was entertained by members' children, the afternoon was greatly enjoyed. Fund raising efforts at the moment come from our junior S.S. in the form of Pine cone selling and jumble sale. Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Chrysell on the birth of another son and to the Paul Holmans on the dedication of their daughter. Congratulations to Miss Rae Wallace on her engagement.


August 1963

HASTINGS (Rev. D. C. Rogers).—The tender for our new church has been accepted, and this month should see the start of another building. May its foundation stone, set the seal on a living and virile witness. We give thanks to God for His protecting hand on Mr and Mrs G. Wallace in a recent car smash. On a recent Sunday morning our G.L.B. and Cadets paraded. Among visitors to our church this past month have been members of W.E.C., who this year celebrate their jubilee, also local leaders of the Y.M.C.A. worshipped at an evening service. On Tuesday 25, our B.M.M.F, welcomed, and sat down to a combined tea with Mr Stuart Avery and afterwards at Prayer Meeting. Mr Avery spoke seriously and challengingly about India. A special series of meetings have been arranged for Sunday evenings, this will include films, after-church hours. On Sunday evening, June 23. our young folk attended a Youth Council Rally at Y.M.C.A, stadium the evening included musical items and Gospel films. Congratulations to Bob and Lorna (nee Hall) Cowan on the birth of a son, and John and Jeannette Fear, another daughter. We also welcome the latter back into our fellowship. We sadly report the death after illness of Mr Percy Lascelles.—D. M. M.


September 1963

HASTINGS (Rev. D. Rogers).—As reported last month, we have said farewell to a staunch servant of God, Mr Percy Lascelles, may his wife and daughters know God's sustaining and ever present love, in the days ahead. We were pleased to welcome the Rev. J. McCullough, Director of Bolivian Missions, at a recent morning service. Our Boys' Brigade paraded at evening service after a week of witness, when we also saw the film, "Part Time Christian," screened. During our Bible Class week our young folk took an active part in church services, the youth choir entertained the sick in hospital and fifty in number travelled to Palmerston North, for the Central Districts combined weekend of fun, fellowship and the dedication of funds collected for mission work during the year. On Sunday morning, July 28, the children brought toy gifts to be sent to needy children in Korea, through the efforts of Sister Leipst. An innovation for our ladies' friendly hour recently was the holding of their meeting in the morning after which lunch was enjoyed by all. Congratulations to Val and Neil Donaldson on the birth of a son, also to Marion Taylor and Eddie Clark on their engagement, and Mr Percy Stanton on the triple engagements in his family. On July 28 we held a dedication service on the site of our new church sanctuary.—D. M. M.


October 1963

HASTINGS (Rev. D. Rogers).—This month has seen our church family gather together at the Assembly Hall for a dinner and entertainment to launch our second Talent effort, to help in the building of our new church sanctuary. A visitor to our pulpit, Bible Class Club and after-church hour, was Mr Peter Shearer of Napier, and the Lebanon Evangelical Mission. Mr Shearer showed clearly through slides, the marvellous work being done from this tiny state, which is a wide open door from which our Christian witness can go forth. B.M.M.F. had tea recently with Mr Franklin Gaze who also spoke at the weekly prayer meeting which followed. Our Christian love and sympathy go out to Mr and Mrs Thorp and their daughter, Allison, in the sudden loss, through an accident, of a loved son-in-law, and husband, we trust they will know God's upholding love and strength in the days ahead. To our elderly folk, the sick, and those hospitalised, we pray His comfort and upholding arms, whatever their need.—D. M. M.


December 1963

Accepted as a student in training; Mr D. Christensen (Hastings)


HASTINGS (Rev. D. Rogers).—We are happy to report an increase of £70 over last year, in our forward work appeal. Welcome home to the Scougall family, after a trio to England. Our minister along with Mr Kenning, Mr Micherson and Mr Donaldson attended the Outreach School at Feilding recently. We are grateful to our church member Mr Hoskins and Rev. Bruce Harper of South African General Mission, who preached so ably, in our minister's absence. Our young folk entertained in an after church hour recently, when song, testimony, and supper was appreciated by all present. The foundation stone of our new church sanctuary was laid on September 28. The ceremony was carried out by the Rev. L. A. North in the presence of a large gathering' of Christian friends, the building is growing apace. Some of our local Maori friends occupied our pulpit recently, and witnessed greatly in song and testimony, to the writer it was the highlight of the month. Our Lord has once again called to himself a loved one from our midst. Mr Rawlings Snr, father of our church secretary, our loving sympathy goes to our friends at this time. To Derek Christensen we offer our supporting prayer as he prepares for Theological College in 1964. To Daphne Roxburgh and Mr Gordon Le Couteur of Te Awamutu who were married on Saturday, November 2, we offer our Christian love and best wishes.—D. M. M.

N.Z. Baptist Magazine

Since the first days of the church, Hastings Baptist submitted regular summaries of church life and events to the New Zealand Baptist Magazine.  As part of the centenary archive those updates have been collected and reproduced here.  It is a catalogue of people and moments that have shaped the church’s story.