February 1962
Sister Joan Tucker has accepted a call to serve as Deaconess in the Hastings Church.
HASTINGS (Rev. D. C. Rogers).—The close of 1961, and with it end of year break ups, a Christmas party for the Women’s Friendly Hour, display by cadets, Girls’ and Boys’ Brigades and concert and games evenings for our Sunday School children. Congratulations to our Sunday School scholars who all did so well in the scripture examinations. Also to our Deacon, Ron Shakespeare, who is now Dominion President of the Amateur Swimming Association. May his Christian witness be strong in this sphere of Public Service. Best wishes to the Graham Fears on the birth of a son, also to the Rev. and Mrs Ian Taylor and Rev. and Mrs J. McNair who were married recently. May God bless them as they go forward together in His Service. Our Christian love and support to Mrs Peters and Denise Jeffs, baptised recently, and the five who responded to the call. May our two ex-college students, the Rev. Ian Taylor and Rev. Trevor Fear be deeply conscious of our prayer support, as they step forward in God’s work.—D. M. M.
April 1962
HASTINGS (Rev. D. C. Rogers).—At the close of February, God called out of life's storms, our loved friend and sister, Mrs R. North, who has borne her earthly cross, with Christian fortitude, our supporting love and prayer go to her nearest and dearest in the months ahead. To Mrs L. Davidson also our Christian sympathy in the sudden loss of her father, we pray the Lord will be close to this family at this time. On February 17, our church was invited en masse to the wedding of Bert. Kater and Nellie Van Der Meulen, the ceremony was tape recorded for parents in Holland. New arrivals in our midst are daughters to the John Fears and Lew Stewarts, and sons to the Brian Bisleys, the Max. Blincoes, and the John Greens. Still in hospital is Mrs Horace Paynter, her progress is very slow—out of hospital after an operation is Mrs Stewart, sen., we pray God's hand for a perfect healing for our sister.—D. M. M.
May 1962
HASTINGS (Rev. D. C. Rogers).—Glad to report induction of Sister Joan Tucker as Deaconess, may God Bless her work in this area. Successful jumble sale held recently helped our new church fund by £70 as did B.W.M.U. sale and entertainment evening when £26 was raised. May God bless these efforts to build to His glory. Enjoyed a day of fellowship and fun together recently at Eskdale Park in beautiful weather. Sunday April 1, morning service was taken by B.W.M.U. members and our church and Dominion president, Mrs Rogers. Highlight of the month was the organ recital in our own church, by Kenneth Goodman, which was enjoyed by a packed and appreciative congregation, may his Christian witness gain in strength. Much spiritual food and challenge from Rev. R. Alcorn at a recent midweek meeting. Welcome to new deacon, Craswell Burt. May he add strength to the work of our diaconate. All-age S.S. now stands at 512 with average attendance of 440, may we go forward in strength and God's grace.—D. M. M.
June 1962
HASTINGS (Rev. D. C. Rogers.).—Easter saw our church attendance reduced, over sixty B.C. members and adults travelling to Gisborne. Our minister was in charge of devotions at Marton and Mrs Rogers with Bill Stewart (College) attended the Maori Hui held in our Waikato mission field. We pray for a great Harvest in this area. The Rev. F. McKean, Dannevirke and Mr G. Wallace occupied the pulpit during this time. G.L.B. and Cadets paraded recently, when lieutenant Margaret Baker was presented with her "through the ranks badge." Congratulations to Miss Mildenhall, G.L.B. captain who is proceeding overseas soon to attend the jubilee congress, we wish her safe journeyings in God's loving care. Congratulations to Margaret Baker and Terry Fowler recently engaged, and to the Eric Campbells and Maurice Thorns on the arrival of baby sons. Our prayers are with Mrs Stewart, senior, after a second operation. May our Lord grant safe travel to Mrs Rogers, B.W.M.U. president, during visitation in the North. May she give and receive much blessing.—D. M. M.
July 1962
HASTINGS (Rev. D. C. Rogers).—Welcomed, Doctor and Mrs Sanson to a recent mid-week meeting. How deeply they love their Lord and other people, was shown to us very plainly. Mrs Rogers is back from B.W.M.U. presidential travelling, we thank God for safe journeyings. An afternoon get together was held at Napier recently for A.A.S.S. teachers, for discussion under Rev. J. Burt. The latter also occupied our pulpit at a parade of the N.Z. Nurses Association, Red Cross and St John members when he preached to a full and appreciative congregation. A new venture the "7.25" club for our Bible Class folk is gaining in strength and popularity. The club is in the capable hands of Mr Youngsen. We remember in prayer and Christian love Mrs Howard Paynter, Mrs Horace Paynter, Mrs Jim Milne and Mrs Neil.— D. M. M.
September 1962
HASTINGS (Rev. D. C. Rogers).—Our church and Sunday School has a "new look," painting being carried out by a contractor as well as men of the church, under the capable leadership of Mr Les Spurdle. G.L.B. members paraded recently to commemorate their 60th Jubilee, a talk on their aims was given by Cynthia Growden. Muri Thompson, Maori crusader visited with us recently. Miss E. McLaren and Miss D. McKenzie of the C.I.M. had fellowship recently with our young folk. Our church was also the venue recently for B.C. members of our Baptist Fellowship in this area. We give thanks to Mr Avery, senior, who fed young minds on the word of God and the ladies who sustained the body. Our young folk also took part in a recent Sunday morning service, when Caroline Bewley gave a story talk to the little ones. Miss E. Leipst is on her way home from Korea, we pray a restful holiday for her and return to good health. Out of hospital after illness is Mrs Mary Kilgour, Mr Price and Miss McLean. Still hoping for complete recovery is Mrs Horace Paynter, and now confined to their homes are Mrs Bewley senior, and Mrs Kemp senior. —D. M. M.
October 1962
HASTINGS (Rev. D. Rogers) .—Welcome back from their journeyings. To Mr Percy and Bernard Stanton and to our S.C.F. worker Miss E. Leipst who has served her Lord and suffering children for two years in Korea, we give our supporting prayer for rest and a complete return to good health. Our loving sympathy to Mr and Mrs Hickmott and Mrs T. Bell in the loss of brothers, and Mrs Christensen in losing a loved mother. Mr Tony Page is recovering well from a recent operation. Congratulations to John and Karen Unwin on the birth of a daughter and to the Thorns family in the dedication of a little son. Now home after her South Island tour, is Mrs Rogers B.W.M.U. president. May God's blessing rest on her mission. Our service was on the air Sunday, September 22. We pray our minister reached and touched many hearts that our Christian army might multiply in "His" service. Mrs Winterbottom, Department of Health, was guest speaker at monthly women's Friendly Hour. And a missionary aviation fellowship film was seen and heard on a recent after-church hour. May our Christian links remain forged in work for the Lord and our fellowman.—D. M. M.
November 1962
HASTINGS (Rev. D. C. Rogers).—Guests of our church on Battle of Britain Sunday, were the Airforce Association and A.T.C. cadets. The young folk of our Bible Classes joined with those of other churches recently at a dawn service on Te Mata Peak. New faces worshipping with us are Mr and Mrs Williams, recently of Taupo, and Mr and Mrs Kenny and family recently of Nelson. May they know our Christian love and friendship in the weeks ahead. Our loving sympathy to Mrs R. Barley in the loss of a loved one, also Mrs Jack Taylor in the loss of a loved father. We have been much in prayer for several of our folk sojourning in hospital during the past month, and thank our Lord for much progress made. We pray for a full return to health for all these friends. Congratulations to Anthony and Moyra Bewley (nee Fulton) on the birth of a daughter. Prayer is still valued for Sister E. Leipst now home from Korea, that God will rapidly restore her to full health. Miss Margaret Baker celebrated her 21st birthday recently with our B.C. "7.25" club, friends and relatives, refreshments were supplied by her parents, Mr and Mrs Ray Baker—a happy fellowship was enjoyed by all present.— D. M. M.