January 1937
HASTINGS (Karamu Road) : Rev. C. B. Boggis.— It is with a note of praise that we have to report splendid services and a noble response on our annual Thankoffering Sunday. The sum of £70 was given, for which we render thanks to our Heavenly Father. During the following week a church social, largely attended, was held to mark the occasion. Musical items, competitions, and Christian fellowship were enjoyed, ladies handing round supper. Our Men's Brotherhood was honoured by a visit from Bishop Bennett, who by a series of moving pictures depicted his mission work among the Maori people. Our minister is giving a series of addresses on "Conceptions of the Christian Life," which is of a very high order. His topics have been "Disciples," "Saints," "Sons." We give thanks to God for a year of successful work in the extension of His glorious Kingdom. The members of the B.W.M.U. were addressed by Mrs Doug. Neilson, on furlough from India, on the work on their field. Musical items and a cup of tea concluded a very profitable afternoon.—P. W. L.
February 1937
HASTINGS: Rev. C. B. Boggis.—Our Christmas services were of a special character, the choir beautifully rendering appropriate anthems and solos. The Christmas message was delivered with power by our pastor. A party of our young folk went carolling on Christmas morning. The money raised has been donated to church funds. At the request of a number of Bible Class members Mr Boggis is holding a "roundtable" fellowship in place of ordinary classes during January. We were pleased to have one of our members, Mr Stuart Wyness, of our College, to occupy our pulpit on a Sunday evening. Mr George Beilby was also heard at our Endeavour meeting, and from the pulpit at a morning's gathering. We wish our two friends God's richest blessing. It is with expectancy that we enter the new year, and pray that one and all may realise their responsibility, firstly, to Jesus Christ as Saviour, and secondly, to their Church, His visible body.—P. W. L.
March 1937
HASTINGS (Karamu Road) : Rev. C. B. Boggis.— Our programme for the year is well under way, with prayer as the motto for all our activities. During February the deacons are meeting for prayer prior to the morning service, and power is evident in our worship. We are happy to report that nine of our folk followed their Lord through the waters of baptism. At a morning gathering Mr and Mrs Riches brought their little one to the house of God to be dedicated. Our Senior Endeavour have held cottage meetings, which have proved of great value to all concerned during the holiday season. We are pleased that Mrs Boggis is making good progress towards recovery after her recent illness. Mr Sanders, of the B.T.I., gave a very interesting lecture in our school hall on the life of D. L. Moody. Great enthusiasm was aroused at our annual church meeting, which was one of the largest yet held. Our church secretary read a splendid report of the year's work, coupled with reports from the different organisations which told of good progress being made. Our treasurer's statement revealed a splendid financial position, due mainly to the consistent giving through the recently-adopted duplex envelopes. Election of deacons resulted in Messrs D. A. Neilson and F. H. Thetford being re-elected. The following officers were re-elected:—Secretary, Mr J. Bewley; treasurer, Mr R. Edridge; assistant treasurer, Mr J. Sims; choirmaster, Mr J. Bewley; organists, Miss B. McHutcheon and Mr W. Kean, the former having held the position continuously for 22 years. Mr Boggis was thanked for his faithful preaching of the Word, which has been an inspiration to so many. The ladies handed round supper, after which the doxology brought a happy gathering to a close.—C. W. L.
April 1937
HASTINGS (Karamu Road) : Rev. C. B. Boggis.— The "red-letter" day of the month was on Family Pew Sunday, which will long be remembered by the large congregation who gathered. Mr Boggis preached a powerful address on "Home Life and Influence," which we know bore fruit. As a commencement to the year's activities, the choir held a very successful banquet and social for members and friends. At our Men's Brotherhood first meeting for the season Mr Ralph Paynter gave a vivid picture of his recent trip to Europe. Information gleaned by members was much appreciated Mr and Mrs George Wallace, recent arrivals from New Plymouth, have been warmly welcomed into membership. A noted visitor in the person of Dr Northcote Deck occupied our pulpit at an evening gathering. The doctor's message was charged with power, and the seed so faithfully sown, must tell for eternity. Mr Doug Neilson, of the Ceylon and India General Mission, gave us a pictorial presentation of Indian life by means of motion pictures. The lecture was of high order. We had the pleasure of a visit from Mr Colin Murray, now resident at Matakohe, who was a former Sunday School superintendent and worker in our church. Mr Murray addressed the Sunday School and presented the prizes to the scholars—P. W. L.
May 1937
HASTINGS (Karamu Road): Rev. C. B. Boggis.— Harvest festival services were conducted by our minister, whose appropriate messages were most helpful. Fruit and produce again reminded us of our Father's bountiful goodness. Harvest anthems by the choir were much appreciated. The following evening a social gathering was held in our school hall to dispose of the gifts, the proceeds being donated to Manurewa Home. Easter services were a time for great rejoicing as we were brought face to face with our Risen Saviour. Our Bible Class girls have returned from Easter Camp full of the spirit of Christian comradeship and with a zeal for things worthwhile. Our camp leaders deserve a word of thanks for their efforts to extend Christ's Kingdom among our young folk. Our Men's Brotherhood meeting was addressed by Rev. K. Liggett, who gave a very interesting talk on "Music." The Month of Visitation and Personal Evangelism was commenced with a consecration service round our Lord's Table. Our minister is to be commended and encouraged in his earnest endeavour to bring one and all to a closer walk with God. The eighth anniversary of our Senior Christian Endeavour was celebrated with special services. Two of our Endeavourers, Miss N. Robson and Mr H. Beckett, gave short talks on "What the Endeavour has Meant to Me" at the morning worship. We give thanks for this very bright spot in our church activities. —P. W. L.
June 1937
HASTINGS (Karamu Road) : Rev. C. B. Boggis.— Our Week of Prayer was wrought with much power and blessing, and resulted in a rich spiritual experience for all who participated. Our folk responded splendidly to the Self-denial appeal, nearly £60 being given; to God be the glory. Mr Chappell, a keen supporter of our Sunday School, outlined at the quarterly meeting a scheme for the completion of the interior of the school hall. The money required for material was £36, and this our people gladly contributed. Several of our men willingly gave their services in the carrying out of the work, and to them we owe a deep debt. A thanksgiving social was held to open the completed hall. A time of devotion was spent in thanks rendered to our Heavenly Father for His great goodness. Musical items and supper concluded a happy gathering. Miss McHutchon organised a superb children's concert in aid of our Sunday School funds, and a large and appreciative audience rewarded her efforts. Our thanks are due to her. A visit from Dr Laird, of the C.S.S. Mission, at a morning service was enjoyed by all. Our S.C. Endeavour held a very helpful meeting at one of our adjacent Maori pas. It is with deep regret we have to report the resignation of our church treasurer, Mr Reg. Edridge, owing to a severe illness. Mr Edridge has served the church faithfully for the past 13 years. We thank Mr Edridge most warmly for his service, and pray he may be speedily restored to health and strength again. Mr W. Keen has been appointed to fill the position of treasurer. Our Boys' Brigade Company paraded at our special Coronation service, at which our minister preached a most inspiring address on "The King." A combined Coronation service, arranged by the Ministers' Association, was held in our Municipal Theatre, which was largely attended. Mr Boggis gave a very powerful address on our "Loyalty to the King." Baptists present were proud of their minister.—P. W. L.
July 1937
HASTINGS (Karamu Road) : Rev. C. B. Boggis.— We were privileged to enjoy a brief visit from Mr E. M. Blaiklock, M.A., on May 20. He gave three week-night lectures, which were very well attended, and his convincing presentation of the great Christian doctrines was used for the strengthening of the faith of many. On the Sunday a memorable day was experienced, Mr Blaiklock preaching to a church full at three services. The afternoon Youth rally was a time of heart-searching, and this gathering was followed by a Bible Class tea, when Mr Blaiklock again spoke on the ideals of the B.C. Movement. In the evening—the crowning service—Mr Blaiklock preached with much power on "Why I Believe in Conversion," and in the earnest appeal that followed there were those who yielded their lives to Christ and others who consecrated themselves afresh to our Lord. Mr W. Williams, of the Tabernacle, kindly sang for us at a morning service. The short visit of Mr and Mrs H. A. Jones was much enjoyed. Mr Jones's lantern lecture was well received by an appreciative audience. At our morning service Mr Jones's message was one of hope and encouragement, proving once again God's mighty power to change lives. Mrs Jones ably addressed our Young Women's Bible Classes and members of the B.W.M.U. We are indebted to Rev. C. S. Matthews, of Wellington, for conducting a Sunday's services during the absence of our pastor on holiday. A Bible Class rally addressed by Mr Matthews was also helpful.—P. W. L.
August 1937
HASTINGS (Karamu Road) : Rev. C. B. Boggis.— We are indebted to Messrs A. Whitton and J. R. Thorp for occupying our pulpit during our pastor's absence on holiday. As reported elsewhere, mountain-top experiences were realised during Rev. L. J. Boulton Smith's recent mission. We are now praying and planning for the coming mission to be conducted by Mr Andrew Johnston. Our new heating system is giving every satisfaction, and being much appreciated by worshippers. Our sincere thanks are due to Mr A. Jolly for making the purchase of the heaters possible. We were privileged to have Miss McGregor, of the Ramabai Mission, speak at our week-night meeting.—P. W. L.
September 1937
HASTINGS (Karamu Road) : Rev. C. B. Boggis.— Our twenty-eighth church anniversary was celebrated with a tea and choir concert. A large gathering sat clown to tea kindly arranged by the ladies to celebrate our twenty-eighth birthday. After tea, opportunity was given for several to express their appreciation of the work so faithfully carried on by our pastor. As a mark of esteem and appreciation, the officers presented him with two useful books. The choir, under the baton of Mr J. Bewley, rendered the cantata, "Rock of Ages," and provided a very enjoyable evening. Opportunity was taken by the choir to present Miss "Topsy" Taylor, on the eve of her approaching marriage to Mr W. Bentley, with a silver teapot. To mark the first birthday of our Men's Brotherhood, a unique concert was given by members of the Brotherhood. During an interval supper was handed round and the birthday cake cut. During our pastor's absence conducting a mission at Island Bay, we were privileged to have Dr J. J. North, Rev. J. K. Archer, and Mr R. E. Barley occupy our pulpit. A visit from Miss Bell, who spoke at our mid-week meeting, was much appreciated. As is reported elsewhere, we deeply mourn the loss of our dear brother, Mr R. Edridge. May the Great Comforter comfort his loved ones.—P. W. L.
October 1937
HASTINGS: Rev. C. B. Boggis.—The joy bells in heaven are ringing over sinners repenting. We are in the middle of a long-to-be-remembered mission conducted by Mr Andrew Johnston. His messages, delivered in such a winsome way, are being greatly used by our Lord. It is a grand sight to see people flocking night after night to hear the story of the old-time religion. We were privileged to have Miss C. E. Kirk address our mid-week meeting. Our deepest sympathy is extended to our friends, Mrs and Miss Sowersby and Mrs Paynter, in their recent sad bereavement. May the Saviour bind up the broken hearts.—P. W. L.
November 1937
HASTINGS: Rev. C. B. Boggis.—Great uplift through mission (Andrew Johnstone). Miss Edna Shakespeare, choir member and teacher, presented with silver tea service before her marriage to Mr N. Grylls, of Wellington. Deepest sympathy felt for Mrs J. B. Thompson and Harry at the death of Mr Thompson, a foundation member and loyal follower of the Lord.
December 1937
HASTINGS: Rev. C. B. Boggis.—During our minister's absence at Assembly our pulpit was ably occupied by Messrs A. E. Morgan and J. R. Thorp. Our Sunday School anniversary services were crowned with great success. The scholars, assisted by the choir, sang sweetly under the capable conductorship of Mr J. Bewley. Two pianos and the organ played by Misses B. McHutchon and Collins, and Mr W. Kean accompanied the singing. The services were conducted by the Rev. J. Ings, Rev. R. B. Gosnell (Methodist), and our own pastor. A visit from the Rev. J. C. Macky, Palmerston North, was much appreciated. Our Christian sympathy goes out to Mrs R. D. Sutherland in the "home call" of her mother, and to Mr and Mrs G. Wallace in the passing away of their little one.—P. W. L.