January 1935
HASTINGS (Rev. C. Boggis).—The children's anniversary services were continued for two Sundays. The children's choir, under the baton of Mr J. Bewley, rendered anthems and hymns in splendid style to large congregations, our pastor the Rev. R. Gosnell (of the Methodist Church), and the Rev. C. Duncumb (of Napier) occupying the pulpit for the occasion. The church was splendidly decorated for the festival, and large congregations assembled each Sunday. The church having adopted straight-out giving to reduce the deficit instead of a bazaar, held a thanksgiving Sunday for envelope gifts. The following Thursday the envelopes
March 1935
HASTINGS: Rev. C. B. Boggis.—Our annual church meeting was held on February 13. there being a large gathering of members. The secretary's report was very encouraging, and showed all branches of the church's activities in a thriving condition. Although nothing of an outstanding character was reported for the year, we give thanks to our Heavenly Father that for this church nothing but the pure Gospel is proclaimed each Lord's Day. The treasurer presented a very healthy balance sheet, and as a mark of thanks the meeting arose and sang the doxology. A hearty vote of thanks and confidence in our minister, Mr Boggis, was unanimously carried, the wish being expressed that all members would rally and do their part in winning souls for Jesus Christ. Mr J. Bewley, secretary, and Mr R. H. Edridge, treasurer, with Mr A. H. Sims, assistant treasurer, were unanimously re-elected, several paying tribute to the efficient manner in which their duties were being carried out. An election to fill four vacancies on the diaconate resulted in Messrs Gwyn. Lascelles (re-elected), Neilson (re-elected), and Taylor being elected. We tender our sincere thanks to our two retiring deacons, Messrs Higgs and Woon, for their many years of faithful service. To one and all who in any way have contributed towards another year's work we say a big "Thank you." It is with very deep regret that we have to record the death of two of our church members. Mrs I. Morton, after a long illness borne with Christian fortitude, and Mrs A. Woon, who was called Home very suddenly. We commend the sorrowing loved ones to the Great Comforter, and pray that the vacant chairs may be filled with His very presence.— P. W. L.
April 1935
HASTINGS: Rev. C. B. Boggis.—We are fortunate in having a healthy Sunday School, with Mr J. Thorpe, who has a great love for the children, as superintendent and a very devoted band of teachers. The seed faithfully sown in the young hearts must bear fruit for the Master. Harvest festival services were held on March 3, the day being one of much blessing to all who attended. The display of fruit and vegetables was very good, reminding us once more of a Father's bountiful hand. The choir rendered anthems suitable for the occasion. Mr Boggis preached appropriate harvest sermons, and we pray that ere long we may have a harvest of precious souls. The gifts were sold privately on behalf of our Manurewa Home. Our combined Bible Classes held a tea and rally on March 10, at which about 60 were present. After tea an open air service was held in Heretaunga Street prior to our evening service. Several of our young men gave public testimony to the saving power of Jesus Christ.—P. W. L.
May 1935
HASTINGS: Rev. C. B. Boggis.—Three new members have been welcomed during the month. We rejoice in greatly improved attendances at Sunday services, but could wish for. more faithfulness on the part of our members. Mr Boggis has delivered some pre-Easter talks on Sunday evenings which must bear fruit. At prayer meetings, studies on the Revelation are proving profitable to those who attend, but here also we must desire larger gatherings if revival is to come upon us. We extend sympathy to one of our members, Mrs A. E. Morgan, and her dear ones, on account of her continued illness. The Ladies' Guild has resumed work again.— P. W. L.
June 1935
HASTINGS: Rev. C. B. Boggis.—Cottage prayer meetings, which proved very helpful to all who attended, were held in different parts of the town during the Week of Prayer. We are looking forward with eager expectancy to our twenty-sixth anniversary celebrations next month. Rev. H. K. Edridge has consented to conduct the services on the Sunday and a four nights' mission following. We pray that these special meetings may be the means of leading many to make the great decision. The celebrations to end on the Friday evening with a family tea. The choir have had to say farewell to one of its members, Miss Vera Choules, who has left us to be married. The choir presented her with a silver sandwich dish and fork. The kindergarten also made a presentation to Miss Choules for her faithful work. We express our sincere sympathy to the relatives of Mr Paynter, sen., who was called Home at the ripe age of 91 years.—P. W. L.
July 1935
HASTINGS: Rev. C. B. Boggis.—Our self-denial offering eclipsed last year's effort, £33 being raised. Our Boys' Brigade Company held a church parade on a recent Sunday morning, dressed in their new uniforms and looking very smart. We were glad to welcome Miss M. Turner, of the Tabernacle, who is representing the British Syrian Mission. Miss Turner assisted our pastor and spoke at a morning service. Rev. J. K. Archer paid us a visit on behalf of the Church Extension Committee. —P. W. L.
August 1935
HASTINGS (Karamu Road) : Rev. C. B. Boggis.— Our jubilee celebrations have come and gone, and will long be remembered by young and old alike. A report of the celebrations will be found in another part of the Baptist. On Anniversary Sunday, at the largest Communion service held in the church, we had the joy of welcoming two new members. A visit from Mr Colin Murray, a recent superintendent of our school, was much appreciated.—P. W. L.
September 1935
HASTINGS (Karamu Road) : Rev. C. B. Boggis.— We were privileged to listen to Rev. Daglish, of the Methodist Church, who exchanged pulpits with our minister on a recent Sunday morning. The Badminton Club held a church parade, a stirring address on the game of life being delivered. A B.W.M.U. special missionary afternoon took the form of a social function, several musical and vocal items being contributed. Two interdenominational Bible Class rallies were held, which have proved helpful to members. Our minister and choir were pleased to assist in Rev. J. Ings's Napier welcome. We wish our friends a very happy ministry.
October 1935
Sermonette Contest
Good entries; high standard, final results very even, placings are:—P. Wilkinson (Napier) 1, S. H. Baker (Hastings) 2, R. B. Harding (Spreydon, Christchurch) 3, A. Reid (Caversham, Dunedin) 4. We are indebted to Rev. L. Boulton Smith, of Vivian Street, Wellington, for acting as judge.
December 1935
HASTINGS (Karamu Road) : Rev. C. B. Boggis.— Our pulpit was occupied on Assembly Sunday by Adjutant Risley and Mr J. Thorp, to whom our thanks are due. A "bring and buy" social of a high order was arranged by our Bible Classes, with Mr Keith Edridge at their head. Musical items, games, and side shows added to the enjoyment of the evening. The various stalls were under the charge of our B.W.M.U. Church funds benefited by ill . Choir members took the opportunity on a recent Sunday morning of making a presentation to Miss Freda Shakespeare, an old choir member, who has taken up her residence in Wellington.—P. W. L.