Who We Are
Where Have We Come From

January 1927

HASTINGS (Rev, T. Keith Ewen).—There is much of interest to report this month. Our Sunday School anniversary was a brilliant success. The bright singing of the children reflected great credit on Mr J. Bewley, our efficient choirmaster. The addresses which were given by ministers from other churches in the morning and afternoon and by our own pastor in the evening, were highly applicable to the festive occasion. The services were continued again on the Wednesday, when a large number sat down to tea, after which a delightful concert was given by the children, and we were favoured by a visit from Rev. J. Ings, of Napier, and party. The annual sale of work took place the first Wednesday in December, with the result that one hundred pounds was raised during the day. A truly splendid effort in hard times. The spiritual side of the church is very marked. Salvation has visited us. Souls have been born again. The prayer meetings are well attended, and we are expecting and praying for great things in the forthcoming mission to be conducted by Mr W. Mains, of Auckland, early in January.


April 1927

HASTINGS (Rev. T. Keith Ewen).—The Church has settled down to earnest winter work. The pastor is back full of physical energy and spiritual zeal. The visits of Rev. H. Edridge and Rev. Lascelles during the vacation were appreciated by our people. The work of our own devoted laymen, too, met with appreciation by all. We are expecting and praying for great things in the coming mission to be conducted by Mr W. Mains, of Auckland. We are holding two prayer meetings every week, one in the school and one in the homes at various centres. It is a joy to see 50 and 60 turn out to a week-night meeting, and speaks volumes for the spiritual life of our Church. The work in the institute and the Women's Guild, and the Bible Classes is progressing splendidly. We take courage and go forward.


May 1927

An unexpected visit to this Church gave the opportunity of attending the funeral of the late Mr J. M. Barbour, one of the foundation members of the Church, and a co-deacon with the writer. The week-night prayer meeting, at which there was a large attendance, gave evidence of vital spirituality, also a spirit of expectancy for blessing from the mission to be conducted by Mr W. Mains.


HASTINGS (Rev. T. Keith Ewen).—The hand of death has removed from our presence our highly-esteemed and beloved officer, J. M. Barbour. Mr Barbour was one of our foundation members, and for years served the church as an efficient treasurer and in the choir. He leaves behind a sorrowing wife, but we know that he has gone to his rest and reward. The harvest services were an unusual success. Our pastor preached fine, appropriate sermons, and the display of God's gifts was splendid. We are in the midst of a fourteen-day mission. God is answering prayer; the spirit of revival is with us. God's people are launching out into deeper spiritual depths, and many are being saved who knew not Christ. The Young Women's Bible Class, camp was held here during Easter. About ten of our own young men at tended the men's camp at Wanganui.


June 1927

HASTINGS (Rev. T. Keith Ewen).—The mission is over, the spiritual life of the Church has been awakened. The numbers in the Young People's Institute have been increased. The prayer meeting is more largely attended. There is every evidence that a deep spiritual work has been done. Many of our young men and women have given in their names for believer baptism. Three or four of our young women have dedicated their lives to the mission field. "There is a sound of a going in the tops of the mulberry trees." Our pastor and deacons are working assiduously to gather in and nurture those who have been born again. The Institute has launched upon a vigorous winter campaign to hold and interest the young people. The week of prayer and self-denial was attended with great blessing. We give thanks, and go forward.


July 1927

HASTINGS (Rev. T. Keith Ewen).—The Church has adopted the Redemption hymnal for the Sunday evening services. Our pastor has preached with great forcefulness and spiritual power. The Sunday morning attendance is splendid. Over eighty remained to the breaking of bread at the monthly Communion service. Notwithstanding the inclement weather the schoolroom is nicely filled each Tuesday for the week night prayer meeting. The work among the young folk is being maintained, and a splendid comprehensive syllabus is being carried through by the council of the institute.


Pamphlets on Membership Controversy

TO THE EDITOR. Dear Sir,—You gave publicity covering the pamphlet on the membership question in your last issue. As the said pamphlet is a reply to one circulated privately by myself which has not had by any means a general circulation—there may be quite a large number of our folk who have not seen or read it and who would like to do so. This note is just to say I will be glad to forward Dr Clifford's pamphlet On application to any address, in any number, and free of charge.—Yours, etc., RAY L. PRICE. Box 334, Hastings.

Memo.—Candid people will want to see the pamphlets pro and con in the membership question. Till we published last month, all that folk could read was literature advocating one side, and that not the regular side of the question They have had that and nothing but that for years now. A line to Mr Price at the above address will bring the open membership pamphlet by Dr. Clifford, and a similar line to Odell and Son, Printers, Manchester Street, Christchurch, will bring the pamphlet addressed by the Rev. J. J. North to the Baptist people of New Zealand. Both may be had gratis.—Ed., N.Z.B.


August 1927

HASTINGS (Rev. T. Keith Ewen).—Our pastor was indisposed for a few days with a heavy cold. The pulpit was taken by the Rev. Fred Copeland, of the Methodist Church, in the morning, and Mr Frank Foddy, late of Regent's Park College, London, in the evening. The Sunday School has been busy preparing for the scripture examination. About twelve candidates sat for the same. The Young People's institute is doing a splendid work among the young men and women. There is generally a muster of about fifty each Sunday. The winter weeknight syllabus is going through with a swing, a large and enthusiastic company gathered to hear the debate, "Is the Church losing its power?" Splendid arguments were brought forward by both sides. The way the lady debaters acquitted themselves was a surprise to all.


October 1927

HASTINGS (Rev. T. Keith Ewen).—Our pastor is now progressing splendidly in health. The money for our new organ, recently installed at a cost of £350, we are pleased to say is now in sight. Our Sunday School is busy preparing for its anniversary. Good work is being done in all departments. There have been splendid attendances at all services. We are pleased to report three baptisms during the month.


November 1927

HASTINGS (Rev. T. Keith Ewen).—The new organ was opened on Wednesday, October 15, when Mr Hillsdor Hutton, Mus., Bac, rendered an organ recital to a large congregation. Items were also interspersed by the choir and friends. Our pastor voiced the thanks of the Church to the generous donor who had made it possible to install such a splendid instrument at a cost of £350, and open it nearly free of debt. The Young People's Institute held a debate. Pulpit v. Press, the former being deemed the greater power for good by the vote of the audience.


December 1927

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Back Row—E. W. Batts, R. L. Fursdon, N. R. Wood, V. C. Hudson.
Second Row—J. Crozier, B. M. Wilson, Miss T. Gandy, C. B. Boggis, J. E. Simpson.
Front Row—Rev. A. W. Grigg, B.A.B.D. (Tutor), Principal North, Mr F. N. Andrews (Chairman College Committee), Rev. J. Laird, M.A. (Tutor).

N.Z. Baptist Magazine

Since the first days of the church, Hastings Baptist submitted regular summaries of church life and events to the New Zealand Baptist Magazine.  As part of the centenary archive those updates have been collected and reproduced here.  It is a catalogue of people and moments that have shaped the church’s story.