January 1922
HASTINGS (Rev. T. Keith Ewen).—The choir, assisted by a number of friends from other choirs in the town, recently rendered a cantata entitled "The Great Light." Our Pastor presided over a large and most appreciative audience. The solo parts were capably sung by Mrs Christie (soprano), Mrs F. E. Barley (contralto), Mr J. W. Berridge (tenor), Mr L. Compton (baritone). At the conclusion Mr J. Bewley was highly complimented on the success of the cantata, which reflected great credit on his efficient training. We are pleased to report a successful sale of work, which resulted in the raising of just over £140 towards the reduction of our debt on the new Sunday School. The Sunday School has lost two capable workers in the persons of Miss Burt (primary department teacher) and Mr F. Bailey (Secretary). At a social gathering both were presented with a Teachers' Bible. Our Pastor expressed regret at their departure, and paid fitting tribute to their loyal and devoted services in the Sunday School.
February 1922
HASTINGS (Rev. T. Keith Ewen).—The services on Christmas Day were in keeping with the Yuletide season. The members of the Junior C.E. assisted at the morning service and rendered appropriate carols and solos. Retiring collections were taken up in aid of our Baptist Children's Home at Manurewa. Unfortunately the Sunday School picnic was spoilt on New Year's Day by a drenching rain, but a happy time was spent in games in our own schoolroom.
March 1922
HASTINGS (Rev. T. Keith Ewen).—At our annual business meeting, Mr J. Fear and Mr R. E. Barley were re-elected deacons, and Mr Len. Compton was elected to fill a vacancy on the diaconate. The treasurer (Mr R. Edridge) presented a very satisfactory balance sheet, with a good credit balance. Regret was expressed that he was unable to allow his name to be nominated for a further period of service. The following appointments were made: —Secretary, Mr F. E. Barley; treasurer, Mr J. M. Barbour (pro tem); Baptist agent, Mr F. Horton; Baptist reporter, Mr F. E. Barley; organist, Miss Napier; choir conductor, Mr J. Bewley; Junior C.E. Leader and representative Manurewa Children's Home, Mr F. E. Barley; Communion steward, Mr W. Collins; envelope steward, Mr R. E. Barley; Leader Chinese Class, Mr W. Turner. We are pleased to report maintained progress in every branch of Church work. Mr Ewen's ministry is characterised by great earnestness and power. Miss Grantham, an esteemed member who has left to take up a position in the new Training Institute at Auckland, was tendered a farewell social and presented with a brooch as a token of her devoted labours in the Church.
May 1922
HASTINGS (Rev. T. Keith Ewen).—Our harvest thanksgiving services were a pronounced success, with a bountiful supply of harvest gifts. Church crowded in the evening. Harvest sale realised just over £30, and the Sunday collections amounted to over £15. The annual prize-giving and concert in connection with the Sunday School attracted a big audience. We have lost a worker from the Church in the person of Miss McCann, who was married on April 12 to Mr Ray Clark, who is also a loyal worker at the St. Albans Baptist Church, Christchurch. The ceremony was largely attended. As a testimony of the esteem in which Miss McCann was held by those associated with her in Church work, the following presentations were made:—Choir, silver cruet; Church, silver hot water jug and table spoons; Sunday School, set of stainless knives; members of Sunday School Class, kettle. The Young Women's Bible Class also arranged a kitchen evening, when numerous useful gifts were contributed. At a farewell gathering, Mr Ewen spoke in glowing terms of her loyal and earnest endeavours. We are pleased to report that Mr Ewen's faithful ministry amongst us is bearing fruit. His fervent evangelical addresses are making deep impressions on large congregations.
June 1922
HASTINGS (Rev. T. Keith Ewen).—The week of prayer and self-denial was aptly initiated by Mr Ewen, who preached two appropriate sermons. Well attended and most helpful prayer meetings were held in homes situated in various districts, and we feel that rich blessing will accrue to our own church, in addition to stimulating interest in our missionary fields abroad, and at home. We are pleased to report good congregations at our Sunday services. The earnest, evangelical messages are full of power and blessing, and there are evident signs of a harvest to be reaped.
July 1922
A committee has been set up to organise the Chinese Mission work carried on at the Vivian Street Church on a wider basis. The meetings are often attended by 60 Chinese. There is also a Chinese work carried on at Hastings by Mr Turner. Mr Chiu, the missioner in Wellington, is prepared to visit other centres. Four Chinese were baptised in Wellington during the year.
HASTINGS (Rev. T. Keith Ewen).—We have to report the passing of an old and esteemed member in the person of Miss Simms, after a long illness borne with Christian patience and fortitude. A farewell gathering was tendered to Miss Stockham, one of our devoted Sunday School teachers. She was presented with a Bible as a mark of appreciation and esteem. A united Bible Class social, when the members of the Presbyterian Bible Classes were entertained, proved a happy and successful function. A shop day and concert organised to pay off an outstanding liability on the Sunday School piano resulted in raising the satisfactory sum of £25. We are pleased to report all Church agencies to be in a flourishing condition, and Mr Ewen's ministry is fraught with great blessing.
August 1922
HASTINGS (Rev. T. Keith Ewen).—We were pleased to receive a visit from Rev. D. H. Moore, of London. His Sunday messages were full of power and inspiration. In the afternoon Mr Moore conducted an evangelistic service for the senior section of the Sunday School, and his fervent appeal of the claims of Jesus Christ resulted in thirty accepting Him as their personal Saviour. Monday evening's lecture on Russia was listened to with rapt interest, and practical help was enlisted for the carrying on of evangelistic work in that much distressed country. Twenty-six prizes were distributed at a special children's service in connection with the Young People's Worshipping League.
September 1922
HASTINGS (Rev. T. Keith Ewen).—Mr Chin, a visiting Chinese missioner, assisted Mr Ewen on a recent Sunday evening. He spoke and sang in the Chinese language. His presence amongst us was very inspiring. It was nice to see such a large attendance of his brethren present. The Chinese Class, under Mr W. Turner's leadership, is a pleasing feature of our Church work. The young men took part in a recent evening service, and a most helpful gathering resulted. We were favoured by a visit from Miss Cowles. The members of the B.W.M.U. held an afternoon meeting which was well attended. The stimulating address by Miss Cowles, and the vocal items rendered by Miss Sowersby and Mrs F. E. Barley, were much appreciated.
November 1922
HASTINGS (Rev. T. Keith Ewen).—All the candidates who entered for the Scripture Examinations passed. Eva Westerman secured an honours prize. The first anniversary of Mr Ewen's settlement was celebrated on Sunday, October 1. Pastor M. W. P. Lascelles preached in the morning and our Pastor in the evening. The services were bright and inspiring. A most successful gathering eventuated on the following Tuesday evening. Glowing tributes were paid to the very helpful messages delivered by Mr Ewen by Deacons W. Collins and R. E. Barley. A much appreciated programme of vocal and instrumental items was submitted. The celebrations proved highly encouraging.
December 1922
HASTINGS (Rev. T. Keith Ewen).—Our Sunday School anniversary services, conducted by our pastor, were highly successful. Large congregations assembled, and the children's hymns were excellently rendered under the capable conductorship of Mr J. Bewley. An efficient orchestra ably assisted. The annual tea and concert were splendidly attended, and the programme submitted met with .an enthusiastic reception. Pastor Lascelles and a large number of friends were present from Napier. Mr R. E. Barley (secretary) gave a most encouraging report of the year's work. The hymns were repeated on the following Sunday, when the services were made appropriate for the old folk. Our pastor gave glowing reports of his visit to Conference at our week-night meetings.