These are our small group Bible studies. We have a number of “Growth Groups” that meet during the week to study the Bible, pray together, and care for one another. We encourage everyone to be part of both the big meeting (Sunday morning) and a smaller gathering (such as Growth Groups) during the week.
All Christians need training to live for Jesus, and serve others. We provide “general training” - applicable to every Christian, such as how to share the gospel; and “special training” - which helps particular people in the church, for example Youth leaders.
We also occasionally run courses for people who are investigating Christianity. We want to be flexible enough to run the right course for the right people at the right time. If you’d like to know more, or you are interested in taking part in such a course, let us know via the church office.
Churches can only do what they do because Christian people serve and work together. There are lots of ways that people serve in our church:
Some volunteer roles are upfront and visible, while others are in the background and largely unseen; some happen on Sundays, while other opportunities for service come up during the week. But no matter what service is offered, it all is important and helps make us a healthy church.
We want everyone to have the opportunity to come to know Jesus and put their trust in him. Individually and corporately we are keen to tell anyone the good news about Christ. As a church we are also prayerfully and practically supporting mission partners working in New Zealand and overseas.
For online giving, the church's bank account number is 38-9016-0609823-00.